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For Further Investigation

Other Books by Mrs. White

Besides the "Conflict of the Ages" series, Ellen White wrote many other books that also help the reader understand and apply the principles of the Bible in our daily lives. Those investigating the writings of Mrs. White would do well to carefully compare what she has written with the Bible.

Christ's Object Lessons
Christ's Object Lessons, a companion volume to The Desire of Ages, presents the parables of Jesus in a fresh light, showing their application to Christian living today. In the devotional classic, Ellen G. White plumbs the depths of the best-loved teachings of Jesus, offering a deeply spiritual understanding of the parables of Christ as they apply to the life today. She provides practical applications in a way that touches the heart. Christ's Object Lessons was written not by a dry historical scholar or a technical commentator, but by a messenger with a personal knowledge of the love our Redeemer has for humankind.
Education sets forth the unique and challenging idea that "the work of education and the work of redemption are one." The ultimate goal of all learning should be to understand more about our Creator-Redeemer and to reflect that understanding in our personal lives. In her writings on this subject, Ellen White presented the great, guiding principles that make up true education in its broadest sense. The reader will find in these pages insights to guide not only parents, students, and teachers, but all who seek true education in the great school of life.
Ministry of Healing
The Ministry of Healing provides a well-rounded look at the principles of healthful living, beginning with the ministry of Jesus and extending to the life and ministry of every Christian. Many things contribute to good health—cheerfulness, fresh air, exercise, diet, and positive relationships with other people, to name a few. Crucial also is a personal relationship with the Creator who gave us life and everything we need for health and happiness. In this book Ellen White deals with sickness of the soul and the healing balm to be found by trusting God for all things. Written in simple, beautiful language, Ministry of Healing will point you to a life full of joy and gladness—a life in touch with the Source of healing power.
The Sanctified Life
The Sanctified Life: Under the general title of "Sanctification" there appeared in the early issues of the Review and Herald for 1881 a series of eleven helpful articles from the pen of Ellen G. White. In the same decade the eleven articles were drawn together and published as a pamphlet. In 1937 under the familiar title of The Sanctified Life, this material was again reissued in its entirety with the addition of one paragraph from Prophets and Kings to make the present volume.
Sketches From the Life of Paul
Sketches From the Life of Paul is one of the earliest books written by Ellen White regarding the New Testament church, Paul's conversion, and his ministry to the early Christians. This book was published early in the summer of 1883 and was eventually expanded and published as The Acts of the Apostles in 1911.
Steps to Christ
Steps to Christ deals with the central issue of how to become and remain a Christian—the concern at the core of Mrs. White's voluminous writing. In just 13 short chapters, Steps to Christ will help you discover the steps to find a forever friend in Jesus. You'll read about His love for you, repentance, faith and acceptance, growing like Him, the privilege of prayer, what to do with doubt, and how to spend your days rejoicing with your new-found friend—Jesus.
Thoughts From the Mount of Blessings
Thoughts From the Mount of Blessings is a rich commentary on the greatest sermon ever preached. It offers a study and commentary on the key verses of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. Included are the Beatitudes, the Lord's Prayer, and much of Jesus' other instruction. In particular, it focuses on how to live here on earth with our fellow man and to prepare for citizenship in Jesus' new kingdom in heaven.

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