Return to Watch THE SEVENTH DAY MovieWhy was Ellen White so passionate about keeping the seventh day of the week holy?Does God consider one day of the week more special than the others? How are we to remember the Lord's Day? Some readers of Ellen White find it difficult to understand why Ellen White viewed the keeping of the seventh day as an issue of loyalty to God. Could it be that she was confused about the origin of the day of worship? Is it true that the solemnity of the seventh day has been transfered to the first day of the week? The Seventh Day video series answers these questions and much more—and it may now be watched online,
using the links below. Click the "More info..." links below for a more detailed description of each part. Start viewing part 1 now by clicking on the Watch Video link below. Does God consider one day of the week more special than the others? How are we to keep the Lord's Day? The Seventh Day video series answers these questions and much more—and it may now be watched online,
using the links below. Click the "More info..." links below for a more detailed description of each part. Start viewing part 1 now.